Building Clientele

Did you know marketing to your current clientele is a less expensive and highly effective form of advertising? These simple steps will lead to better guest retention, higher retails sales, as well as more referrals coming your way.

Listen to your guest. Make eye contact, address them by their first name, ask questions, get to know them! Building this personal connection will increase their excitement to come back and see you. On the industry side of this connection, if they express unhappiness with the outcome of your service, talk to them, learn what they aren’t pleased with, and work to correct this. When you exceed the desired experience, you have created a repeat guest!

Offering your guest their next appointment shows that you are committed as their stylist to keep up with their services. Suggest an actual date rather than the usual “six weeks out”. This feels more personal and hand chosen for them, carrying on the personal connection that you truly care about their services.

This is a powerful marketing tool. Sending handwritten cards, newsletter, email, social media message, etc., lets the guest know you care about them and want their business. Send them promotional material, coupons, birthday vouchers for services, and thank you notes for their business. This extra attention will have them telling everyone about your great service and personal care!
